Guilherme Rodrigues Macedo

Guilherme Rodrigues Macedo

  • Attorney-at-law – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais – PUC / MG.
  • Postgraduate in Tax Law from PUC / MG – IEC;
  • Postgraduate in Business Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas in the Master of Laws – LLM;
  • Member of the Tax Law Commission of OAB / MG;
  • Specialist in Tax Law, with intense work in Belo Horizonte, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasília;
  • Contributing to the book “Studies of Tax Law”, Volume 05, edited and published by the PUC / MG – IEC.

Belo Horizonte - Rua dos Inconfidentes, nº 1.1190, 8º andar - Savassi, CEP 30.140-128 - Tel.: (31) 3261-3525 -

São Paulo - Alameda Santos, 1.165, 3º andar - Cerqueira César, CEP 01.419-002 - Tel.: (11) 3995-4740 -

Brasília - SCS Quadra 09 Bloco C, Torre C, 10º andar, CEP 70.308-200 - Tel.: (61) 2196-7870 -

Rio de janeiro - Rua da Quitanda, 86, 2º andar – Centro, CEP 20.091-902 - Tel.: (21) 3747-1762 -

New York - 90, Broad Street, 2nd floor, Zip Code 10004 - Phone: +1 (212) 710-2633 -